Lottery Scheduling - my notes
Some notes taking from reading the paper ‘Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management’.
challenges of CPU scheduler
- real-time:
- hard: industrial control
- soft: audio, video
- multi-process
- fairness
- priorities
- CPU utilization
- isolation
- overhead
- starvation avoidance (SJF)
history of CPU schedulers
- general-purpose schemes (mostly rely on priority)
- does not provide the encapsulation and modularity properties required for large software systems
- fair share & microeconomic
- overheads limit them to relatively coarse control over long-running computations
- proportional-share (lottery scheduling)
- resourse consumption rates of active computetions are proportional to the relative shares that they are allocated
- provides responsive control over the relative execution rates of computations
- excellent support for modular resource management
problems: proportional share scheduler
lottery scheduling
a randomized resource allocation mechanism, each allocation is determined by holding a lottery, the resource is granted to the client with the winning ticket
the ticket
- abstract: quantify resource rights independently of machine details
- relative: the fraction of a resource they represent varies dynamically in proportion to the contention for that resource
- uniform: right for heterogeneous resources can ve homogeneously represented as tickets
- scheduling by lottery is probabilistically fair
- suppose a client has \(t\) tickets, the total tickets is \(T\):
- the number of lotteries won by a client has a binomial distribution:
- the probablity this client win: \(p = t/T\)
- the expected number of wins in \(n\) time lotteries: \(E = np\), variance \(\sigma_w^2 = np(1-p)\), \(\sigma_w/E = \sqrt{(1-p)/np}\)
- the times of lotteries required until the client’s first win has a geometric distribution:
- expected number of time $n$ that a client wait before first win: \(E(n) = 1/p\), varience \(\sigma^2_w = (1-p)/p^2\)
- that is \(ResponseTime \propto 1/t\)
- the number of lotteries won by a client has a binomial distribution:
- any client with non-zero num of tickets will eventually win a lottery -> solve the problem of starvation
Modular resource management
ticket transfer
- ex: a client needs to block pending a reply from an RPC, it can transfer its tickets to that server
- solves the conventional priority inversion problem
ticket inflation
- an alternative of transfer: a client can escalate its resource rights by creating more lottery tickets
- but it will violated desirable modularity and load insulation properties
- very useful among mutually trusting clients: can be used to adjust resource allocations without explicit communication
ticket currencies
- a unique currency can be used to denominate tickets within each trust boundary
- cause inflation, but can maintain an exchange rate between local currency and a base currency
compensation tickets
- A client which consumes only a fraction \(f\) of its allocated resource quantum can be granted a compensation ticket that inflates its value by 1 until the client starts its next quantum.
- scheduling quantum: 100 ms
- random number: in 10 RISC instructions
- search a list of \(n\) clients in \(O(n)\) time, can ordering by decreasing to reduce average searching time
- when \(n\) is large, use a tree of partial ticket sums, traversed the winning client leaf node in \(log(n)\)
ticket active & deactive
- a ticket is active while it is being used by a thread to compete in a lottery
- when a thread is removed from the run queue, its tickets are deactived
- the tickets are reactived when the thread rejoin the running queue
ticket transfer
- creating a new ticket denominated in the client’s currency, and using it to fund the server’s currency
- dynamic ticket inflationcontrol
- client/server ticket transmission
system overhead
- the overhead imposed by our prototype lottery scheduler is comparable to that of the standard Mach time-sharing policy.
Managing diverse resource
- The mutex transfers its inheritance ticket to the thread which currently holdsthe mutex.
- When a thread releases a lottery-scheduled mutex, it holds a lottery among the waiting threads to determine the next mutex owner.
- then the thread moves the mutex inheritance ticket to the winner
space-shared resource(memory)
- use an inverse lottery, in which a “loser” is chosen to relinquish a unit of a resource that it holds.
- suppose a client holds \(t\) tickets, the probability of being selected by a lottery with total tickets \(T\) and \(n\) clients is $$p = \frac{(1-t/T)}{n-1}$$
Author xymeow
LastMod 2019-03-03