The Singularity System - my notes
Some notes taking from reading the paper ‘The Singularity System’.
Safe Programming Language
what is PL safety
- semantic precision for every statement
- undefinedness -> security compremised
- the language ensures a statement is only excuted whtn it makes sense, or signals some error(ex throwing an exception)
memory safety
- programs can only access mem locarions that they are allowed to access
- may be compremised by:
- pointer arithmetic
- unconstrained casting
- lack of in-built array bounds checks
- lack of in-guilt checks for null pointers
- programmer-controlled de-allocation (free malloc in C), it may cause use-after-free/double-free bugs -> we can use GC to solve these problems
- programs never read uninitialised memory
- a memory safery language never result in segment faults
type safety
- type soundness(strong typing) -> never result in type errors
Singularity System
Singularity is a small experimental OS built by Microsoft Research designed with modern software engineering practices and tools.
Motivation & Key
Safety in OS:
- mem safety between
- process -> page table / process
- kernel -> mode (kernel&user)
- with a safe language, can achieve safety without hardware support
Design principle:
- unrealable software shoud not cause system failure
- system write in safe language
- system must be self-describing
- architecture: microkernel, precess and IPC in kernel, else user space
- language: Sing#, C#
- abstraction:
- SIP(Software Isolated Process)
- Channel whti contracts
- Because of memory safety -> SIP can be run in ring0
- making safe code efficient: Bartok for Sing# -> native instruction (Java -> intermedian -> instruction)
Hardware vs software mem isolation
- SIP: p1 cannot have a pointer to p2
- every wuer proggam is writtern in Sing#
- each SIP has a singularity runtime
- system call -> function call -> performance up
- memory isolation
The plug in problem
- run in seperate address -> overhead
- run in same address -> safety
- sandbox -> expressivety
- SIP for plugin -> Sing#
built-in Singularity design decisions
- SIPs are inexpensive -> allowing isolation at finer granularity (processes are highly costed in other system -> encourage plug-ins to extend system behavior)
- SIPs do not share memory -> process state is altered by only one process at a time
- Communication between SIPs passes through strongly typed channels
protection domains
- safe programs -> run in ring0
- unsafe -> ring3
SIP communication
- channels
- all message are strongly typed
- contracts
- memory isolation -> exchange heap
Specifications everywhere -> Verification
- channel contracts and program manifests(like ELF headers)
- decice driver manifests -> hardware registers used by device
- varify if 2 devs have conflicting reg
- create typed obj for dev regs
- generational collectors do not agree with the lifetime of many kernel objects that persist as long as the system or process exists
- data in a process is conventional C# objects, while data passed along channels lives in a distinct type system
- C# is not convenient for manipulating bit-level formatted data and inlined arrays
Lessons learned
- manifests could be used to describe dependencied, communication, hardware access
- replacing in-process plug-ins with components in separate process can improve resilience
- safe languages, sofeware isolation, increase specification can improve a system
Author xymeow
LastMod 2018-09-16